Svetozara Alexandrova

Born 1980 in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

1993 – 1998    
Secondary Art School for Applied Arts “Dimiter Dobrovich”, Sliven

1998 – 2002     
National Academy of Arts – Sofia, Bulgaria
Graduated as Bachelor in Fine Arts at prof B.Bojadjiev studio

2002 – 2004     
National Academy of Arts- Sofia, Bulgaria
Graduated as Master in Fine Arts at prof B.Bojadjiev studio

Lives and works in Bulgaria and Austria.

Solo show

Documents, Sofia City Art Gallery- Meeting Point, Bulgaria

Group show

“Aktuelle Szene Bulgarien“, Ludwig Museum, Koblenz, Deutschland
“Gutes Amerika - Böses Amerika”, Galerie Noah, Augsburg, Deutschland
“Nord Art”, Rendsburg, Germany
“All about Him”, open-air exhibition in front of the Ivan Vazov National Theater,Sofia, Bulgarien
“Spiders from Jupiter-Lost Categories-ABC-Antagonist”, Raiko Alexiev Gallery, Sofia,  

Gaudenz B. Ruf Award für neue bulgarische Kunst, Sofia City Art Gallery, Bulgarien
“On the tracks of the lost time”, Sofia City Art Gallery, Bulgarien
2006/07   “Plastic/Conceptual”, Contemporary Bulgarian Painting, Narodne Osvetove Centre,
Bratislava, Slowakei; Hofburg, Innsbruck, Österreich; Museum Thermen am Viehmarkt, Trier, Deutschland; Gallery DAP, Warschau, Wroclaw, Polen; Cultural Center Babel, Utrecht, Niederlande

„Young Artists“, Shipka 6 Gallery,Sofia, Bulgarien
Zeichnung, Shipka 6 Gallery, Sofia, Bulgarien
Visual Immortality, 2 Internationale Biennale für zeitgenössische Kunst, Shumen, Bulgarien

“Personally Mythology”, Shipka 6 Gallery, Sofia, Bulgarien
Porträt, Shipka 6 Gallery, Sofia, Bulgarien

11. Internationale Biennale für Porträtkunst, Tuzla, Bosnien und Herzegovina
Social/Poetically Reality, Shipka 6 Gallery, Sofia, Bulgarien

“10 x 5 x 3”, Shipka 6 Gallery, Sofia, Bulgarien
Young Authors and Critics competition, „St. Ciril and St. Methodius“ International Foundation, Shipka 6 Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria
Wettbewerb für Junge Künstlerinnen „Postbank“, National Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgarien
Das figure Bild, Shipka 6 Gallery, Sofia, Bulgarien

„SIAB“ 5. Studentische Internationale Biennale für Kunst, Skopje, Mazedonien Internationale Studentische Ausstellung, Belgrad, Serbin

Grants and prizes

Award for Young Artist, Gaudenz B. Ruf Award for New Bulgarian Art, Sofia City Art Gallery, Bulgaria

Award, Young Authors and Critics competition, „St. Ciril and St. Methodius“ International Foundation, Shipka 6 Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria

Commendation, SIAB 5th Student International Biennial for Art, Skopje, Macedonia
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