Christian Weihrauch

Hikes in the room
Christian Weihrauch shows crayon drawings "with their unconventional, tender, and fabric-like structures and with their strange, fantastic themes. They provide him with a painter's reference, yet not in the sense of colouring a world of pictures but rather as a linearly growing colour pattern. This world of colours that can be sensed in the drawings grows, through this line, to a sculptured and, at times, imaginary space. However, these make-believe rooms are not built structurally; they grow in themselves. Colours and hatchings form abstract shapes, they indicate the subject, and form a microstructure, which makes the drawings grow from inside. 'Crayons enable me to spy out dream dimensions directly without violating their three-dimensionality. The proliferation of patterns and textures creates regions which I have to explore and which I would like to take with me - like frozen crystals.'"

(Excerpt from a text by Dr. Katja Schneider, Kunstmuseum Sachsen-Anhalt)
Galerie Römerapotheke, Rämistrasse 18, CH - 8001 Zürich | | Impressum | top